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Venus is the Roman goddess of love, fertility, beauty, springtime, and protector of gardens. She is associated with the pagan Sabbat Ostara. Use this oil to dress altar tools, dress candles, wear as a personal fragrance, dress petitions, add to an essential oil diffuser... the application is up to you!


Herbs, oils, and crystals were specially selected for their correspondence to this deity. The Venus Oil is scented with ylang ylang and musk. Dress an orange candle to work on your sacral chakra and fertility. Dab a few drops of this oil on a photo of you and your lover. Dress a carnelian crystal and a rose quartz to enhance the living feeling between the two of you. Add 10-20 drops to a spritz bottle and spray your plants or garden asking Venus to bless them and keep them healthy and thriving.


  • Made with magic, essential oils, herbs, crystals, coconut oil, and more
  • 15ml bottle with dropper top
  • External use only

Venus (Love) Oil

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  • Meet the Creator, Susan Williams

    Susan is a psychic reader. an energy worker, and a spell weaver. 


    Candle magick is Susan's passion. She can enchant a candle for almost anything area where you may need a little help.


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