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All prices are in Singapore dollars


Keep your decks protected & cozy with Fables Den's adorable deck storage pouches - a warm canvas blanket with mystical sparkles from the Bamboo Moon! 


  • Measures 5.5 x 7.5 inches
  • Made with high quality half-dyed canvas fabric and a sturdy cream-colored string
  • The perfect snug fit to any decks at Fables Den or any standard-sized deck that you own, with some room leftover for a few small crystals or charms! 

Bamboo Moon Pouch 🇺🇸

  • Meet the Creator, Kimberly M. Tsan

    Kim from Fables Den loves tarot + leveling up life - and she believes that we are all meant to spread our creative wings and fly across the dreamy skies. She strives to make the world a better place through the things she expresses & creates and she always encourage (adorable cheerleader style) others to do the same!

    Other than that, she is a carefree panda with a fluffy, whimsical heart that likes to potato in front of her laptop with a cup of English Breakfast tea and annoy her orange cat with affectionate pokes. Also, she loves bubble tea. It's her soul food. If you disagree, that's fine. MORE BOBA FOR HER!


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